#FriFotos: San Francisco Dog Life

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Woof! Woof! “Dogs” is this week’s #FriFotos* theme. We chose a photo of two cute pups sitting on a ledge overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.  The photo was submitted to our My Shot community by Fawn Pierre and selected by our editors for a Your California Photos gallery. Want to see more photos of dog life in San Francisco? Check out these adorable pics by contributing photographer, Catherine Karnow.

Do you want to see one of your photographs featured on our website or on the Intelligent Travel blog? Here's your chance:

Upload your favorite travel photos with a caption to Your Shot/Travel at ngm.com/yourshot. Tag all submissions #travelshot. Look for your photos online in one of our My Shot community galleries or on our blog.

*What's #FriFotos, you ask? It's a weekly Twitter chat founded by @EpsteinTravelsduring which travelers share their favorite pics. Each week has a theme. Search #FriFotos on Twitter to see the latest submissions or tweet one of your own!


[San Francisco Dog Life]

Intelligent Travel 06 Jan, 2012

Source: http://intelligenttravel.nationalgeographic.com/2012/01/06/frifotos-san-francisco-dog-life/
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